Spring Inspiration: Vintage Designer Coat Patterns

Spring is around the corner and that means I need a new spring coat. That also means that I spent a ridiculous amount of time the last couple of days searching for a pattern that I like.

I was looking through Ebay and Etsy listings for a classic a-line(ish) coat sewing pattern, preferably a Vogue Paris Original (just because it’s time I own one of those) something along the lines of  a 1960’s-1970’s Patou, Balmian or Molyneaux (ooh fancy!), and then finally, I came across this total beauty (Vogue 1356) and my heart started racing…

Image from grannigertsattic etsy shop

…until I realized it wasn’t in my size (and then my heart sank because I don’t think I’m ready to grade a coat pattern! and a designer one at that!). It’s very reasonably priced at $7.99 (the next one I found was $18.00, and then $35.00) so if you’d like the original thing check out grannigertsattic shop on Etsy* (disclaimer: I’m not being paid to advertise this, I just thought  it would be nice to give them a shoutout if I’m using their image for my blog).

I dug around the net some more for some closeups to examine the construction:

So what did I do? Well, I thought about “making do” with what I already have (meh…sometimes this is not so fun). I flipped through all my paper and e-patterns hoping to find one that would come reasonably close with some pattern alterations and modifications and guess what guys?! With a little bit of this and a little but of that, the FREE Talea pattern on Burdastyle comes pretty close don’t you think?!

Image courtesy of Burdastyle.com

All I have to do is omit the shoulder detailing, sleeve cuff and back waist half belt thingey, turn the pockets into side welt pockets and can you believe it?! A free Molyneaux inspired coat! Thank you Burdastyle!

Next: how to make the dress in that pattern (also: the hat, I need it).

But: It’s March now and my Minoru muslin is still sitting there half cut and I didn’t even touch my craftsy BOM quilt blocks for February yet. Why? I’m working on another project of epic proportions (no, no,  not a wedding dress, though that is quite possibly the most epic thing one can sew) that I’ll tell you about soon! I did finish the Colette Crepe dress though (I’m just waiting for nice sunny weather to take pictures of it before I show you).

Happy sewing!